Estados Unidos
Número Anuncio: 12497569
Anunciante: No registrado
Fecha: 30-11-2024
Categoría:  Animales > Perros > Vendo
We have beautifull male and female umbrella Cockatoos for sale There are some truly beautiful parrots on the planet, some small and some very large and quite intimidating birds. If you are new to the world of parrots, but are seriously thinking about sharing your home with a feathered friend, there are certain species which are known to be a lot more people-friendly than others, one of which is the lovely and affectionate cockatoo. Cockatoos These very attractive birds have a reputation for being one of the friendliest parrots around. They love it when you interact with them and they adore being held and even cuddled. Very often Cockatoos don't act like birds at all, but more like dogs. As a bonus, they are very easy to train because they just love to please their human owners.

We have beautifull male and female umbrella C - Imagen 1 We have beautifull male and female umbrella C - Imagen 2 We have beautifull male and female umbrella C - Imagen 3

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