Estados Unidos
Número Anuncio: 9883464
Anunciante: No registrado
Fecha: 01-07-2014
Categoría:  Informática > Ordenadores
San Francisco Bay Computer Services is located in Mission Neighborhood. We are the one computer repair shop to provide Apple Technical Support around this area, good for Macbook, Macbook Pro, Macbook Air, Mac Pro, iMac, Mac Mini. 20 years of experience on apple products and software. Partner of COMPUTER LAND BERKELEY (Apple Authorized Service Center) bring your computers/devices under apple care we will process the warranty for you. (415) 251-7687 - (415) 618-9328 2989 Mission Street, SF 26th Street and Mission Street Monday to Saturday: 9:00 AM-5:00 PM CLOSED 12:00PM-1:00PM We have signed an alliance with Computer Land of Berkeley (Apple Authorized Service Center: (510) 981-0900) then you can bring your Apple Computers under warranty/Apple Care and we can process your apple care totally free for you. Yes, San Francisco Bay Computer Services is now a Branch of Computer Land of Berkeley, then we can provided Technical Support for your computer under Warranty/Apple care, and out warranty apple product as well. If you have spilled liquids on your Apple Computer or other computer brands we can work around, then give you some solution. We have a special procedure (tested for years) to fix your liquid spilled computer. Before you go to apple store try us, usually Apple Store doesn't process computer jobs if they were spilled with any liquid, or if you data is compromised. Not under warranty starting price: $ 60.00 Per hour/Service Under Apple Warranty: Totally Free (Computer Land of Berkeley)

San Francisco Bay Computer Services is locate - Imagen 1 San Francisco Bay Computer Services is locate - Imagen 2 San Francisco Bay Computer Services is locate - Imagen 3

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