Número Anuncio: 10157220 |
Anunciante: No registrado |
Fecha: 02-09-2014 |
Categoría: Servicios Profesionales > Otros |
Business opening or not accepted credit cards yet If you are opening a business or dont accept credit cards at your current com-pany, dont make any unnecessary expense, we can offer a free Point of Sales to accept credit cards in your business immediately. Request it online on our website http://tmpmerchantservices.webs.com and get: - Easy online application - FREE Tablet, Stand, Reader and App - Cash drawer and printer (optional) - Just 1.69% per swipe, includes Amex - Basic monthly service only $12.95 - Next day funding The Merchant Place Merchant Services themerchantplace@gmail.com #PayAnywhere #TheMerchantPlace |
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